Despite the solid reality of the material world, despite the fact that common perception representing objects trapped in space and time, despite the evidence universal gravity, everything is after all incredibly fragile. Life is a delicate mirage. Everything hangs by a thread.
The existence of objects and living beings, beyond their apparent stability and consistency, hangs by the invisible threads that plait and support the web of real things; subtle and frail threads wich turn the weight of existence into an unbearable lightness.
One microscopic microbe is enough for any complex organism to collapse and disappear. A rise of two or three degrees in global temperature is enough to bring about dramatic changes. When one several of the invisible threads that support the existence of objects and beings are cut, both the objects and beings cease to exist. The phenomenal nature is impermanent. The solidity of our own physical body is insubstantial, that is, it is not really solid.
Usually, the spirit lives trapped in the shape, in the heaviness and the concretion of matter, even if it is the spirit is who weaves the invisible threads that support the material forms and objects. The visible is nothing more than a vision of the invisible. However, sometimes, when the spirit breeze rises and blows, everything becomes a party …
When entering the space created by Pamen Pereira in the Caja de Burgos Art Center, the viewer is transported by the joyous dance of everyday objects that levitate weightlessly beyond time and space.
The breeze of the spirit holds up everything with its presence. Wrap up chairs, beds, kettles, boats, mirrors, fruits, guitars, books, old sweaters. The drawers of the pantry cupboard open wide and the daily provisions float in a oniric space in which the past, present and the future melt into one and disappear in a timeless dimension.
Dokushô Villalba. Excerpt from the text Everything hangs by a thread published in the catalog This is a love story, CAB 2009 c