Vista isométrica del Continente Antártico desde el mar de Ross. 2006. Humo sobre terciopelo. 134 x 180. Colección Abanca Afundacion Caixanova
Antarctic 2005-2006
A project made in collaboration with the National Direction of the Antarctic (DNA) and the Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM).
Back in my studio, I reflect on the experience I’ve witnessed in that world of ice and deep waters; I don’t know how to explain the appeal that such an extreme and challenging environment has for me. The Antarctic — wild, romantic, temperamental, occasionally even inaccessible to itself, boundless and occasionally cruel and excessive, for better or worse. I’ve now seen that the heart of the Earth beats strongly under the sweeping white mantle, that frozen mountains and ice floes exist, that the moon also ploughs through those seas, that glaciers are bards of light and air. The essence of poetry. The ideal place that, in the words of my friend Carlos Lara, complements the burning ice within our bodies, that can purge or consume us.
Pamen Pereira

Ice – Blink. Fuego de hielo. 2006. Alabastro, cama de opio china.
50 x 50 x 40cm; 80 x 120 x 210 cm. Colección IVAM. Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno